THE REGIONAL COOPERATION PROGRAM FOR IT START-UPS AND SMALL COMPANIES – “Start-up life cycle: from idea to maturity” as a side event of the 4th Digital Summit of the Western Balkans was successfully implemented in a period between 11th and 13th October in Podgorica, Montenegro. The two panels and two workshops were attended by 30 start-ups companies with over 45 participants from the Western Balkans, who presented innovative solutions for exchanging ideas, learning and networking. The concept of regional cooperation and networking is an incentive for startup companies to use the opportunity and contacts, gather as much knowledge and information as possible, because these are important items for construction and improvements.
At the Panel “Smart business tools and solutions from the Western Balkans” WB6 CIF Secretary General Tatjana Sterjova – Duskovska pointed out that the CIF through innovative tools and digital platforms seeks to ensure the free movement of goods, services, capital and labor, as well as connecting companies from the region in order to ensure the competitiveness of the Western Balkans in the global market. WB6 CIF Secretary General presented two regional platforms – Market Access and Market Intelligence database https://www.market-access.wb6cif.eu/ and invited companies to create profiles on platforms that have already started operating and have over 500 registered users.
The panelists pointed that the new era, as well as the pandemic, which is an emergency, requires rapid adaptation and use of “emergency measures” by which economic entities and institutions will continue to develop, and digitalization is just such a measure. It is necessary for startup companies to use new technologies in a new way in order to progress and profit more. The term “thinking global” one startup and that it is of great importance to find someone who will finance new startup ideas, and in that case the startup must be constantly looking for a smart way to invest.
The solutions in the digital sphere of the chambers of commerce and other organizations for business support were presented, experiences for good practices from the region were exchanged, in order to facilitate the digital transformation of the private sector and increase its competitiveness, were presented by the panelists.
The task of all social actors is to encourage innovative systems, in which young people are enabled to develop their ideas through start-ups, in order to be competitive on the world market.
Participants on this event gained a unique opportunity to promote their ideas, innovation, make networking and exchange their ideas and experiences.
This event brought together representatives from the governments, businesses, regional organizations, CSOs, academia and youth with the goal to set up a digital platform for exchanging of ideas and proposals.
The goal of the 4th Digital Summit 2021 was to present and exchange good practices in the Western Balkans, highlight the development and achievements of the Digital Agenda, define future directions and explore opportunities to build partnerships with the private sector in the context of the digital transformation process. It was thematically divided into four areas: digital economy, digital skills and competencies, digital infrastructure and connectivity, and trust and security.
The 30 start-ups and small companies from WB6 region selected by WB6 CIF, are presented on the e-catalogue: https://ecatalogue.wb6cif.eu/
WB6 CIF Start-ups at Digital Summit 2021 – What did they say about?