The WB6 CIF organized a series of 6 online round tables on the following topics: Tourism industry in WB6, Facilitation in trade of goods in WB6 and industrial development (including circular economy), WB6 Digital Agenda, Automotive industry, Financial markets development in WB6 and Investment policy in WB6.
Round tables were focused on different building blocks and policy areas relevant to regional economic integration, that were organized in order to discuss the views of the WB6 business community on the priority issues for achieving enhanced regional economic cooperation and integration, summarizing the needs and proposals of the regional business community that should be reflected in the REA Roadmap 2021-2024.
Participants of the webinars were representatives of the companies, chambers of commerce, WB6 CIF Permanent Secretariat, likewise representatives from the European Commission, DG NEAR, World Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, CEFTA and Regional Cooperation Council.
The total number of companies that participated in the series of round tables was 72 (Tourism industry in WB6 – 15 companies, Facilitation in trade of goods in WB6 and industrial development – 13 companies, WB6 Digital – 15 companies, WB6 Automotive industry – 11 companies, Financial markets development in WB6 – 10 companies, Investment policy in WB6 – 8 companies)
The main questions that were part of discussions on all round tables were: what are the main challenges experienced when doing business in the Western Balkan and suggestion for overcoming those challenges; advise for regional stakeholders (3 practical advice to address state of play in cross border tourism industry), what type of national/regional measures will encourage companies to invest in WB region or to expend their current investment and if they see benefit for their company if WB would accomplish Mutual recognition of licenses/professional qualifications.